Everyone has a god
Everyone turns to something as a source of meaning, purpose & satisfaction
The question for Christian and non-Christian is always “Which God?”
The Christian responds: The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
Jesus is the Image of the invisible God. (Colossians 1:15)
Jesus is God-sized
God is Jesus-shaped
BUT WAIT... Is Jesus really THE Image of the invisible God?
Are there alternative routes to knowing God??
Proverbs 3:5-7
Romans 8:7
1 Corinthians 1:18-25
2 Corinthians 4:4
Colossians 1:21
Colossians 2:8
The god of philosophy looks nothing like the God of the Cross!
Numbers 33:50-53; Deut 7:1-6; 12:1-3; 29:16-18; 32:15-21; 1 Kings 18:21-40; Psalm 96:4-5; 106:35-40; Isaiah 41:21-24; 44:6-26; Jeremiah 16:19-21; Romans 1:23-25; 1 Corinthians 8:4-6; 10:20.
The gods of the religions look nothing like the God of the Cross!
Old Testament
John 1:1
John 1:18
John 8:56-58
John 12:38-41
John 5:37-46
Jesus has always been the Way to God
Abraham, Moses and Isaiah trusted Christ.
Jesus simply is the Lord God of Israel.
Psalm 19:1-6
Romans 1:16-20
Romans 10:17ff
Colossians 1:23
John 12:24
Revelation 5:11-14
Jesus is Lord – Creation’s Voice Proclaims It!
The creation reveals a very great deal about God
It does so by revealing Christ!
But our eyes must be opened thru the Spirit and by the Word.
Martin Luther: Theology of Glory vs Theology of the Cross
The Cross Alone is our Theology
The Cross Judges Everything
The cross reveals God’s glory, lordship, majesty, strength, wisdom and holiness
Revelation 5; 7:17 – The Lord on the Cross is the Lamb on the Throne
Next week we’ll study the triune God. The Trinity is not a maths problem or an ancient riddle. It’s the good news that God is love. And we’re invited in!
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