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0 thoughts on “Coming soon…

  1. Rich

    Hey Glen,

    It's coming together! Just wondering - how will the book be distributed? Will it be on Amazon etc?


  2. Glen

    Thanks Denise.

    Hey Rich, this is only a 60 page evangelistic booklet. I just take 12 phrases and explain them in a thousand words each. We'll distribute through the site.

    One of these days I'll have to collect together all 365 meditations into a book. But that'll be a next year job porbably.

  3. Marc Lloyd

    Right when will they be ready?

    Can you bring them on 8th May?!

    Please could we order 20 copies to begin with?

    Who do I make the cheque out to / send it to?

    It would be great if we could manage to give one to everyone who comes to your gig on 30th Sept. I forget the capacity of the hall but I imagine that might be about another 80 copies if the PCCs will stump up.

  4. Kip' Chelashaw

    This is great. We're doing a King James event in the Autumn and would be keen to get 100+ of these. Will you be at EMA? Can you bring 20/30 copies then?

    Kip' Chelashaw

  5. Derek

    This looks great - I'm currently loving The King's English.

    Dev - you're in Singapore - so am I. Where are you?

  6. Tim V-B

    Ooh, with Richard Bewes coming to Wednesbury on June 18th (to mark 400 years of our pulpit as well as the King James) I might be very interested in a large order of these.

  7. Bobby Grow

    Awesome, Glen! Exciting. Keep up the good work!! Evangelism is under attack, just check out the video at my site :-(. Can't wait to get your booklet in my hands, what a great idea!!!

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