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Help with typesetting?

Does anyone feel particularly gifted at typesetting?

I'm writing an evangelistic booklet and about to send it to the printers.  But if someone out there could help me turn my 60 page Word document into a pdf and make sure it didn't look too stupid it would save me £100 and you'd get a sneak peak at the book.

Let me know:

glenscrivener at gmail dot com

Big thankyous.

0 thoughts on “Help with typesetting?

  1. Tim Cairns

    Jen is going to email you. She is no expert but has the programs required to help and does a bit of this type of thing for work.

  2. Tim V-B

    I use as well. Problem is - Glen's written in .docx format. can open it, but there's no guarantee the formatting will be exactly the same.

    Glen - there's lots of software (free) out there that can turn your .docx document into a pdf. Look up "pdf printer" on google - effectively it's a printer that prints to pdf.

  3. Glen

    Thanks everyone! It turns out a friend of mine worked in typesetting for 15 years. He's offered to help. Praise Jesus!

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