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Happy Friday – Open Thread (updated)

Contributions from Comments (more gratefully received)

From Otepoti: (extra points for anyone who can explain!)

How many Reformed Church members does it take to change a lightbulb?

Only one, but it has to be the tea drinker.

From Heather:

From Si:

From John:

"A play so modern, and so brilliant it makes absolutely no sense to anybody!"



0 thoughts on “Happy Friday – Open Thread (updated)

  1. Otepoti

    How many Reformed Church members does it take to change a lightbulb?

    Only one, but it has to be the tea drinker.

  2. Glen

    Otepoti - are my reformed credentials in doubt? I don't get it :/

    Heather - very nice

    Si - Good job, I'm a *huge* Day Today fan. I spotted Patrick Marber (Peter O'HanraHaHanraHan) in a restaurant recently and only just refrained from embarassing my wife by gushing effusively about 'Closer'

  3. Si

    John - that explains the England opener's recent (ignoring today) poor showings - someone is distracting Alistair Cookie with biscuits just as the bowler bowls...

    Glen - unfortunately this was about the only really funny bit of The Day Today that wouldn't fail a watershed test - I wanted 'Bomb Dogs' as well, but that has about 20 seconds where there's lots of swear words - probably the worst thing about Chris Morris stuff. - One of the best bits of the lot seems safe, and you even get a Jacques - 'Jacques' Liverot segment at the start.

    "An optimist sees half a pint of milk. He says 'It is half full'. A pessimist sees half a pint of milk. He says "It is half empty". I see half a pint of milk, I say 'It is sour'." - not the Jacques - 'Jacques' quote you see in the clip, but worth putting anyway.

  4. John B

    I can't offer any gags to a website in the UK. That'd be like carrying coals to Newcastle. The English-speaking world looks to you Brits to keep us laughing with all the best comedy.

    I'm retro and enjoy cartoons. Two good Christian cartoons that I know are:

    Both are clean, wholesome and even funny — quirky, and sometimes a little edgy. Reverend Fun is nice because it's daily.

    And also, for use with the lectionary, here's a comic strip to accompany it!

  5. Otepoti

    Sorry about the unfunny joke, Glen. My bad.

    But at morning coffee after service yesterday, around seventy cups of coffee were served, and two cups of tea.

    Coffee is pretty much a Reformed distinctive round here. Along with Almonds, Licorice, Vegemite, Ice-cream and some food beginning with "N" that I haven't thought of.

    Your mileage may vary.


  6. Glen

    Ah yes - Calvin and coffee. We all have our distinctives: Barth and pipes. Luther and beer.

    All of which sounds like the perfect day. Morning: espresso and the Institutes. Afternoon: pipe and church dogmatics. Evening: beer and table talk.

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