Is it just me or are my fonts much smaller in the last couple of days?
And is anyone else having trouble with reading me in an RSS feed? John B's only getting me in excerpts rather than full articles even though I haven't changed any settings on the blog.
Any WordPress wizard's know the answers?
No problems here.
Well, no problems other than having to be patient while I wait for a Genesis 2 sermon link that isn't forthcoming. :P
Is it just the fonts that look smaller, or your whole page?
Oops. It appears I did not tell the truth.
I just noticed some comments that were earlier registering on my comment page aren't there anymore. But it's not stuff from your site, so I'd guess it's a WP thing.
Hi Glen - are you sure it's not the browser? Hold down control, and scroll the mouse wheel up and down. Everything looks okay to me.
WordPress produces different feeds:
is a full feed (if you view in firefox, firefox will shorten each post)
is a feed with shortened posts...
Any of that help?
I couldn't open a audio? But O'm not sure there's anything wrong with the text :)
Hi Glen - All of the fonts look fine to me. Reading you Five by five here.
Hi Andy - Thanks for the tip on the different WordPress feeds. I might have gotten the wrong one plugged into my reader. I've resubscribed with the link for the full feed.
Looks good to me too. But did you know that this post also went up on your facebook page?
Thanks everyone! And welcome to the blog Andy... or to comments anyway - who knows how long you've been silently lurking ;-) Good to have you.
And yes Gav, I'm aware (and very surprised given my lack of computing expertise) my post went up on facebook. Just don't ask me how I did it! :)
I actually saw your blog post on facebook first, after being friends with you on Facebook: that drew me here.
Yes, I've been 'silently lurking' here before though!
Thanks for the welcome Glen!