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Trinity Day-Conference in Swansea

UPDATE:  If you're going from London, can you give Josh VB a lift?  See details in comments

Blackham Bewes Downes

How about a day of teaching on the Trinity from Paul Blackham, Richard Bewes and Martin Downes, hosted by Mount Pleasant Baptist Church, Swansea!  Sounds good to me.

Saturday 14 November from 10am, £10 including lunch. 

Paul Blackham will present two sessions on the Trinity in the Pentateuch.  Richard Bewes will speak on the pastoral implications of the Trinity.  Martin Downes will ask 'Whatever happened to the Angel of the LORD?' 

If I could make it, I'd be there with bells on.  Steve Levy, the pastor there, has assured me that they can provide accommodation for anyone travelling from a distance.  You can contact Steve and the church via their website.

So if you're in the UK and free next Saturday - do yourself a favour and be encouraged and stimulated by the greatest of biblical themes and some wonderful teaching and fellowship.

0 thoughts on “Trinity Day-Conference in Swansea

  1. Glen

    Looks good doesn't it. Last night I dreamt I was at it, and Mike Reeves was speaking too, and I ended up asking a question that basically turned into a lecture by itself and everyone was rolling their eyes and yawning. My dreams are so far fetched.

    Yes, I'll double check but I'm pretty sure it's being recorded.

  2. Tim V-B

    I'm going! If anyone else is going let me know (comments here or tim [at] vasbyburnie [dot] net so we know to look out for each other!

    This made me look forward to the first "Christ The Truth" conference... Maybe when I'm vicar I'll make my church premises available and invite guest speaker Rev St Glen Scrivener.

  3. Josh

    Anybody travelling from London to the conference with spare space for two? Please email me at jvb116 (at) gmail (dot) com


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