Just so my regular readers know, you're vastly outnumbered on this blog by image searchers (so wordpress tells me).
The most popular searches are 'kebab', 'waterfall', 'puffer fish', 'fat cat' and 'ned flanders'...
...which, I think you'll agree, represents with eloquent simplicity the profound and far-reaching concerns of Christ the Truth..
Mr Darcy and blood splatter seem to be my top image searches. I don't quite know what that says about my blog or about people searching!
I really do like that cat. Comfy.
This Texas cowgirl's top image searches were for "rodeo" and "tattoos"
Very telling both of you. Anyone else want to share their search favourites?
And Missy, if you like that fat cat, check out page one of Google images 'fat cat's - hilarious!
Terrible images! Call the RSPCA!