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Prayer request

Hi guys,

Please pray for my wife.  She's still in hospital and if she doesn't respond to treatment in the next 36 hours the surgical options are pretty nasty.  Pray for wisdom too - not sure how to respond to the 'drug her, drug her more, ok cut her' approach...




UPDATE 25/02/09:

Hi Everyone,
Thanks so much for your prayers.  Emma's slightly improved.  Enough anyway for the doctors to stop talking about immediate surgery.  So that's really good.  But she hasn't improved that much either.  And they don't seem to have a great handle on what's wrong or how they'll fix it.  So it looks like more hospital for the forseeable and maybe surgery too if things don't properly improve.

Thanks again for your prayers - we have both felt very upheld and very loved.  THANK YOU.


UPDATE 11/03/09:

Emma’s now out of hospital. The doctor’s don’t know what’s wrong but they’re now treating her as an outpatient for which we’re both very grateful.

0 thoughts on “Prayer request

  1. glenscriv

    Hi Everyone,
    Thanks so much for your prayers. Emma's slightly improved. Enough anyway for the doctors to stop talking about immediate surgery. So that's really good. But she hasn't improved that much either. And they don't seem to have a great handle on what's wrong or how they'll fix it. So it looks like more hospital for the forseeable and maybe surgery too if things don't properly improve.

    Thanks again for your prayers - we have both felt very upheld and very loved. THANK YOU.

  2. glenscriv

    For those signed into this thread...

    Emma's now out of hospital. The doctor's don't know what's wrong but they're now treating her as an outpatient for which we're both very grateful.


  3. Gav

    Thats good Glen. I will pray for more ongoing healing, wisdom and trust for all involved.

    Although it sounds like she might need some good old Australian sunshine, Victorian to be precise. ;)

  4. keijo

    Be blessed in Christ and may he answere in your pray regust in all areas and joy,pray for me too for my fight against the Goliat in long time,thanks and bless,keijo sweden

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