Hello all, I'm moving house tomorrow. Apparently broadband won't be up and running at the new place for another two weeks (which will limit my blogging opportunities)! But if you need your fix of 'Christ the Truth' why not go to my website.
Here's one of the more central pages which links to five papers I wrote on doctrine of God stuff. It's a series called the 'God who is...' I wrote these about 5 years ago for a church doctrine of God course. I'd definitely change the third paper (too philosophical (while trying to be anti-philosophical!)). But here it is for what it's worth. There are plenty of other sermons and papers on the site too. Enjoy. I'll be back blogging when I can....
We meet the Living God only in Jesus. He is the sole point of contact between God and the creation. Theology cannot begin without Him nor continue outside of Him. We must be radically and self-consciously Christ-obsessed. This is the mark of Christian theology, distinguishing it from all human philosophy and theistic supposition. Taking every thought captive to Christ is the means by which we will defend true knowledge of God against the countless philosophical accretions which threaten the Church. click here for more
Our Christian life begins when we meet the Father in the Son and by the Spirit. The Christian life is, from first to last, a life lived in and by the Three. The Trinity is not special information for the advanced believer. The God we know is the Three Persons united in love. There is no 'more basic' truth to God than the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There is no real God beneath or beyond the Persons. All talk of the Living God must therefore be about the Persons. Understanding them and deepening our fellowship with them in their relations and roles will be the very stuff of our Christian lives. click here for more
Since God is the Three Persons united, we must not imagine some fourth 'substance' that is somehow more foundational than the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We must not enquire into impersonal 'attributes' or 'essences' as though they are the bedrock realities upon which the Persons are founded. We understand God's attributes only when we understand His Triune ways and works as revealed in Jesus. We must not come to the Word of God with our philosophical notions of God's attributes and then fit the Persons into these idolatrous moulds. As the Father reveals His character in the Son and by the Spirit then we can see the power, love, wisdom etc of the Living God. Allowing our doctrine of God to be shaped in this way will open our eyes to a God who is bigger than we could ever conceive. click here for more
The Living God is Persons in loving, committed relationship. His will for our life is to be swept up into this eternal love affair and to be agents of His love for the creation. If our doctrine of God is fundamentally impersonal, our Christian lives will consist of duty-bound Pharisaism. If we understand the Passionate God then our lives will begin to conform to the total love of heart, soul, mind and strength which Jesus models and commands. click here for more
The Scriptures do not introduce us to God and then to the LORD and then to Christ and the Trinity. Revelation does not progress towards Christ - it begins with Him. Moses and the Prophets proclaim the same Triune God as Jesus and the Apostles. From Genesis 1, the Trinitarian Gospel of the LORD-Messiah is front-and-centre as the focus of all Biblical revelation. In this paper we will briefly run through Genesis and Exodus to see how Christ is proclaimed as the One and Only revelation of the Unseen LORD. click here for more .
nooooo! =)
no christ the truth for 2 weeks!
anyway, hope the new house is great
btw... any references i can get from you about the implications of the ascension? thx
Oh no . . . I'll pray the move goes smoothly, hurry back! Thanks for the links to your site.
Best tip for moving house (in case you don't know this): the first thing you do in the new house is make up all the beds.
That way you won't be faced with doing it at half past midnight when you're exhausted already.
Second-best tip: there are always odd and ends left over after the other things have been packed. Throw them into a rubbish bag. Don't unpack it, and after six months at the new house, if you haven't needed anything from that bag, throw it away unopened.
All the best :-D
Hey mate,
Hope the move goes well.
Just discovered your blog! hope the move goes/went well - say hi to Emma
Moving is just such a difficult process, all in all, that's for certain. I've moved quite a lot recently, and it's definitely very difficult.